What New Dads Need To Know

What New Dads Need To Know

Frequently Asked Questions By New Dads

Congratulations Dad! Now that you're about to enter into a whole new season, wouldn't it be nice if you had a manual to help guide you through? We've curated some Frequently Asked Questions by new expecting fathers. This is not all encompassing but it will definitely help bring some guidance. And breathe- you've got this. 

Will My Wife Change?

Um... yes. Not only will her body change, but she may begin to experience some new moods, extreme tiredness and fleeting thoughts. But a spouse's support can help reduce stress levels and help pregnant mamas feel happier. Here's how you can support her during the pregnancy. 

  • Go with her to doctor's visits and ask questions
  • Attend childbirth classes together
  • Ask her what she needs from you
  • Encourage her to take breaks and naps. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can wear her out!
  • Take on more of the household chores
  • Back and foot massages can help with swelling and relieve stress
  • Reassure her that she's going to be a great mom and dream together with her about being new parents
  • Once baby arrives: feed, change, burp, hold the baby

How Do I Prepare For Labor/Delivery?

If you and your spouse learn what to expect from the labor and delivery process, you'll feel more confident going into it. Consider going to birthing classes together or watching videos together online. Write out a birthing plan together so that you can help advocate for her during the delivery process. Will she want music? Will she want you to encourage her on her breathing? Ask how you can best support her. Learn how to time her contractions so that you are both aware of changes to the body as you move closer to the delivery time. 

How Do I Prepare A Bottle?

We recommend making a bottle before the baby comes so that you are armed and ready and not trying to figure it out at 2AM. Here is a brief step by step!

  • Make sure you're grabbing a clean bottle and nipple
  • Read the instructions for the formula to get the right ratio of formula to water. If mom is planning on breastfeeding, you'll want to prepare to warm up breastmilk from the fridge. This can be done by placing the milk container (bag or bottle) inside a cup of hot water for a few minutes OR by using a bottle warmer device. We love this easy to use one
  • Test the milk on your wrist. If you feel the heat, it's too hot! If you feel that it's cool, it's too cool. You want it to be body temperature so when the milk hits your skin, it should feel just slightly warm or not at all. 

What Do I Pack In The Diaper Bag?

When you're out and about with the baby, you want to prepare for anything! Here's a list of all the essentials we think you will need in your diaper bag. Looking for a manly diaper bag? We like this stylish but tough bag

  • Diapers (at least 3-4)
  • Wipes
  • Change of clothes
  • Clean Bottle
  • Formula & Hot Water in a thermos
  • OR breastmilk in a cool container with hot water in a thermos (the hot water is used to help heat up the breastmilk later)
  • Burp Cloths
  • Changing Pad
  • Some Toys or Books
  • Pacifier
  • A Clean Shirt for Mom/Dad

How Many Carseats Do I Need?

You probably will want a carseat for each car that you regularly drive. Unhooking and reinstalling carseats can be a pain! We suggest buying car seats that have a click base (to easily transport one car seat from another by clicking in) so you can install a click base in each car. Then the actual seat is removable and can be easily be transported from one car to another. Here is a great system that has worked for parents with 5 star reviews. You can purchase extra bases separately (maybe for grandparents, aunts & uncles!) 


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